One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the Master of Athletic Training (MAT) Degree

Why Study Athletic Training at Cedarville?

Help athletes get back in the game with Cedarville University’s Master of Athletic Training (MAT) program, your pathway to becoming a Certified Athletic Trainer. You'll be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to thrive in this fast-paced field and pass the National Athletic Trainers Association - Board of Certification (NATA-BOC) national exam. Through exceptional classroom teaching and real-world, hands-on learning experiences, Cedarville's MAT program will prepare you to become an effective athletic trainer who serves with Christlike compassion.

Cedarville also offers a BS in sport medicine + MAT accelerated completion option. You'll work towards your BS in sport medicine, then move into the MAT program after three years, once you're admitted. The BS in sport medicine curriculum is strategically designed so that your senior year courses are taken as part of your first year of the MAT program. When you graduate, you will have earned a BS in sport medicine, a Bible minor, and an MAT degree in just five years!

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

  • Biblical Worldview

    All courses are built on the solid foundation of Scripture.
  • Real-World Experiences

    You will complete immersion experiences where you will fulfill the role of a full-time athletic trainer. 
  • Collaborative

    You will benefit from interprofessional interaction with students and faculty in other healthcare programs.

Program Overview

Female athletic trainer wrapping an athlete's ankle in the training room.

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Program Contacts

Photo of Mike Weller

Mike Weller, EdD, AT, ATC

Dean, Associate Professor of Athletic Training

Photo of Gayle Wilken

Gayle Wilken

Director of Graduate Recruitment - Residential Healthcare Programs

Program News